Products and Services

Absolute Robotics is a part of the Absolute Automation Group – a successful, global industrial automation specialist. Our experience delivering automation solutions means that you are sure to have the best cobot solution, specifically designed to optimise your production process.

The complete cobot solution

By using the built-in vision system the Techman cobot excels at tasks requiring an object to be located, picked up and then precisely placed in a new location. Lightweight tools can also be directly attached to perform functions such as fastener placement or tightening to turn the Techman cobot into a versatile assembly tool. Absolute Robotics is here to help identify the most appropriate uses of a Techman cobot and to deliver tooling solutions that allow it to perform your tasks efficiently.

Omron Techman Cobot in action
Omron Techman cobot Solution

Our process

We take projects through the following steps to ensure you end up with the right system that performs the tasks you require as efficiently as possible.

  • During an initial phone call we establish the general scope of client requirements and discuss whether our systems can offer the right solution.
  • We visit the client site to understand the detail of the requirements and flesh out the scope.
  • We provide a quote by email.
  • We may conduct some proof of principle trials and share the results with the client.
  • We work with the client to develop the process, system and tooling design.
  • We build and deliver the Techman cobot system and work on site to commission it, culminating in a factory acceptance test.
  • We provide operation and/or maintenance training as required.
  • We closely monitor initial operation of the system then keep in touch with the client to resolve any emerging issues.

What if I just want to buy a Cobot?

If you prefer, we can sell you a Techman cobot ‘out of the box’ and arrange training so you can set it up and equip it yourselves. The Techman cobots are designed to be easy to program and the built-in vision system makes it possible to tackle a wide variety of pick-and-place tasks.

Most of our customers, however, want us to deliver a complete solution – knowing that our expertise will enable them to get a system working within a short timescale and start to save them time and money.

Our Techman cobots are available to purchase online via the Absolute Store.